Recent Publications


Christabel Randolph and Marc Rotenberg, The AI Red Line Challenge, Tech Policy Press (Sept. 3, 2024)

Rotenberg, M. and Randolph, C, International Frameworks for AI Governance in Commentary to the AI Act and Related Acts, (Kluwer forthcoming) 

Rotenberg, M., Randolph, C, Kelawan, A.I. and Our Data, The New York Times, June 27, 2024

Rotenberg, M. US Supreme Court: NetChoice Cases Explore AI and the First Amendment, Journal of AI Law and Regulation, Volume 1, Issue 2 (2024), pp. 254 - 257, DOI:

Rotenberg, M., The Imperative for a UN Special Rapporteur on AI and Human Rights, Journal of AI Law and Regulation, Volume 1, Issue 1 (2024), pp. 110 - 112, DOI:

Rotenberg, M. (2024). Human Rights Alignment: The Challenge Ahead for AI Lawmakers. In: Werthner, H., et al. Introduction to Digital Humanism. Springer, Cham.


Okezue Bell and Marc Rotenberg, The false choice holding up congressional action on AI, The Hill, Dec. 7, 2023

Marc Rotenberg, An AI Oversight (response to Ian Bremmer and Mustafa Suleyman’s "The AI Power Paradox"), Foreign Affairs (Nov-Dec. 2023)

Marc Rotenberg, That Was The Week That Was,  BLOG@CACM (Nov 6, 2023)

Jocelyn Benson, Secretary of State, State of Michigan and Marc Rotenberg, CAIDP, Elections in the AI Era, Council on Foreign Relations (Oct. 26, 2023)

Merve Hickok and Marc Rotenberg, The UK AI Summit: Time to Elevate Democratic Values - the United Kingdom needs to bring its AI policy back in line with the values of freedom, democracy, and rule of law, Council on Foreign Relations  (Sept. 27 2023)

Marc Rotenberg,  Everything. Everywhere. All at Once: AI Policy When Congress Returns,  BLOG@CACM (Aug. 24, 2023)

Merve Hickok, Lorraine Kisselburgh, and Marc Rotenberg Perils of A.I., and Limits on Its DevelopmentThe New York Times (July 24, 2023)

Marc Rotenberg, A Turning Point for U.S. AI Policy: Senate Explores Solutions, BLOG@CACM (May 17, 2023)

Merve Hickok, Lorraine Kisselburgh, and Marc Rotenberg, A Foundational Framework for AI Policy, The Economist, May 13, 2023

Marc Rotenberg and Merve Hickok, Regulating A.I.: The U.S. Needs to Act, The New York Times (March 6, 2023)

Hickok, Merve, Rotenberg, Marc, & Caunes, Karine, The Council of Europe Creates a Black Box for AI Policy, Verfassungsblog, (Jan. 24, 2023)


Marc Rotenberg and Merve Hikcok, Can the U.S. and Europe Agree on Rules for AI? Techonomy, Nov. 30, 2022

Marc Rotenberg, Will Congress Kill the Push for Data Privacy? The Hill, Nov. 19, 2022

Marc Rotenberg, Fair AI Practices, BLOG@CACM, (Oct. 12, 2022) (comparing the OSTP "Blueprint for an AI Bill of Rights" and the 1973 report "Records, Computers, and the Rights of Citizens."

Marc Rotenberg, CJEU PNR Decision Unplugs the 'Black Box," European Data Protection Law Review (Fall 2022)

Marc Rotenberg, The Law of Artificial Intelligence and the

Protection of Fundamental Rights: The Role

of the ELI Guiding Principles on Automated Decisionmaking in the EU, ELI Newsletter (July-August 2022)



Marc Rotenberg and Sabrina Talukder, Abortion Prosecutions Show the Need for Data Privacy, New York Times (September 1, 2022)

Artificial Intelligence and Democratic Values: Next Steps for the United States, Marc Rotenberg and Merve Hickok, Council on Foreign Relations (August 22, 2022)

Marc Rotenberg and Sneha Revanur, Time to act now on AI Bill of Rights, The Hill, July 19, 2022

GASTKOMMENTAR: Marc Rotenberg, 

Im Daten-, Algorithmen- und Überwachungsdschungel, Wiener Zeitung, 3-5-22

Marc Rotenberg, Opinion  A federal privacy law is desperately needed, Washington Post, Apr. 4, 2022

Marc Rotenberg, Artificial Intelligence and the right to algorithmic transparency in M. Ienca, et al, The Cambridge Handbook of Life Science, Information Technology and Human Rights (2022)

Artiticial Intelligence and Democratic Values, Turkish Policy Quarterly (Winter 21/22) with contributions by Ramos, Nemitz, Timmers, Sourdin, Hickok/Rotenberg, and others


Marc Rotenberg, Foreword: Artificial Intelligence and Democratic Values: The Role of Data Protection, European Data Protection Law Review (Winter 2021)

Artificial Intelligence and Galileo's Telescope

review of the Age of AI by Henry Kissinger, Eric Schmidt, and Douglas Huttenlocher

Issues in Science and Technology

Marc Rotenberg


(Brief exchange with Marc Rotenberg, Henry Kissinger, and Eric Schmidt about the book at the Council on Foreign Relations, December 20, 2021)

Next Steps on the AI Bill Of Rights, by Lorraine Kisselburgh and Marc Rotenberg, Washington Spectator (Nov. 2021)

Maintaining Control Over AI, Marc Rotenberg responds to Ben Shneiderman on Human-Centered AI, Issues in Science and Technology (Spring 2021)

Marc Rotenberg, The Need for Strong Privacy Law, The New York Times, March, 15, 2021

Marc Rotenberg, From 9-11 to January 6: The Limits of Surveillance Authority and the Democratic State, Journal of National Security Law and Policy, January 25, 2021


Time to Assess National AI PoliciesMarc Rotenberg, Communications of the ACM, Nov. 24, 2020

Nazli Choucri, Nguyen Ann Tuan, Marc Rotenberg, “Social Contract for the Artificial Intelligence Age - Safety, Security, & Sustainability for AI World," Proceedings of the Riga Conference (November 2020)

Marc Rotenberg, Il futuro della privacy e la vivacità della democrazia in Privacy 2030: Una nuova visione per l’Europa (The Mainfesto of Giovanni Butarelli) (Sept. 2020) (in English)

Marc Rotenberg, The Tech Giants Come to Congress, and Democracy Wins a Round, Washington Spectator (August 12, 2020)


Marc Rotenberg, Save the .ORG domain and all it symbolizes, The Hill (December 8, 2019)

Marc Rotenberg, The Battle Over Artificial Intelligence, New York Times (April 16, 2019)


Marc Rotenberg, America Needs a Privacy Law, New York Times (December 25, 2018)

Marc Rotenberg, After Latest Facebook Fiasco, Focus Falls on Federal Commission, Techonomy (December 21, 2018)

Marc Rotenberg, Democracy and the Internet, New York Times (October 8, 2018)

Marc Rotenberg, Regulating Privacy, New York Times (May 6, 2018)

Marc Rotenberg, How the FTC Could Have Prevented the Facebook Mess, Techonomy, March 22, 2018

Marc Rotenberg, Let’s Use Government Data to Make Better Policy Scientific American, October 17, 2017

Marc Rotenberg, When the Government is Watching You, New York Times (March 28, 2017)

Marc Rotenberg, Bias by Computer, New York Times (August 10, 2016)