"The Center for AI and Digital Policy aims to promote a better society, more fair, more just —

a world where technology promotes broad social inclusion based on fundamental rights, democratic institutions, and the rule of law." 

AI Policy News

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Deal is Final on EU AI Act, Sweeping AI Legislation to be Adopted (Dec. 7, 2023)

[Parliament press release]

[Council press release]


Karine Caunes, Council of Europe, Committee on AI, Strasbourg, France (Oct. 24, 2023)
Karine Caunes, Council of Europe, Committee on AI, Strasbourg, France (Oct. 24, 2023)

CAIDP's Global Program Director Karine Caunes urges Committee on AI to uphold mission of Council of Europe and to promote fundamental  rights, democratic values, and rule of law in global AI Treaty. [CAIDP reference page]

Universal Guidelines for AI (2018) - Fifth Anniversary - October 5, 2023
Universal Guidelines for AI (2018) - Fifth Anniversary - October 5, 2023



CAIDP Files Complaint with FTC concerning Zoom's use of ML and AI techniques (Aug. 31, 2023)



[Letter to FTC]


[Press Release]


REUTERS - "Biden eyes AI dangers, says tech companies must make sure products are safe" (April 4, 2023)


“Tech companies have a responsibility, in my view, to make sure their products are safe before making them public,” he said at the start of a meeting of the President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST). When asked if AI was dangerous, he said, “It remains to be seen. Could be.”

CAIDP Files AI Complaint with FTC

CAIDP Files Complaint with US Federal Trade Commission -- Urges Investigation of OpenAI -- Calls for Suspension of Future Releases of GPT Until Guardrails are Established -- Follows Statement from AI Experts Calling for Pause on Large Language Models (March 30, 2023)


[Press Release]


CAIDP's Merve Hickok to Testify Before Congress on AI Policy


"Advances in AI: Are We Ready For a Tech Revolution?"


House Oversight Committee

March 8, 2023, 2:00 pm EST

[CAIDP Testimony]

[CAIDP Recommendations to the National AI Advisory Committee]

[More information]


CAIDP in The News

CAIDP and IBA, "The Future is Now – Artificial Intelligence and the Legal Profession" (Sept. 2024)

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Council of Europe opens first ever global treaty on AI for signature (Sept. 5, 2024)


The Council of Europe Framework Convention on artificial intelligence and human rights, democracy, and the rule of law (CETS No. 225) was opened for signature during a conference of Council of Europe Ministers of Justice in Vilnius. It is the first-ever international legally binding treaty aimed at ensuring that the use of AI systems is fully consistent with human rights, democracy and the rule of law.

"The AI Treaty is historic,” Marc Rotenberg, executive director of the Center for AI and Digital Policy, told Nextgov/FCW. “There is now consensus on the need to safeguard fundamental rights, democratic values and the rule of law in the development and oversight of AI systems.”


Rotenberg said that the CAIDP welcomes the endorsement of the Framework by U.S. signatories, though the document will still need to be ratified by the U.S. Senate. 


“As Council of Europe Conventions are open to both member and non-member states, this convention will likely become the first global treaty for the governance of AI,” he said. “CAIDP is urging countries to endorse the Council of Europe AI Treaty. This is critical to ensure safe, secure and trustworthy AI.”


US joins Council of Europe’s AI and human rights framework, NextGov, Sept. 6, 2024

AI Policy Resources

AI and Democratic Values Index
AI and Democratic Values Index

Fundamental Rights Agency, Test algorithms for bias to avoid discrimination (8 Dec. 2022)

AEPD / EDPS, 10 Misunderstandings About Machine Learning (September 2022)

Artiticial Intelligence and Democratic Values, Turkish Policy Quarterly (Winter 21/22) with contributions by Ramos, Nemitz, Timmers, Sourdin, Hickok/Rotenberg, and others

CAIDP Statements

CAIDP's Merve Hickok statement on AI Policy before the US Congress, March 8, 2023 - “The U.S. does not have the guardrails in place, the laws that we need, the public education, or the expertise in the government to manage the consequences of these rapid technological changes.”  [CAIDP - House Hearing on Advances in AI]

AI Policy Events

international Bar Association (Mexico City, Sept 2024)
international Bar Association (Mexico City, Sept 2024)

CAIDP Conversation with Stuart Russell
CAIDP Conversation with Stuart Russell
CAIDP AI Policy Leader Awards 2024
CAIDP AI Policy Leader Awards 2024

CAIDP 2024 Graduation Speaker Dr. Alondra Nelson
CAIDP 2024 Graduation Speaker Dr. Alondra Nelson

CAIDP 2024 Keynote Speaker Guido Scorza
CAIDP 2024 Keynote Speaker Guido Scorza

CAIDP 2024 Keynote Speaker Elham Tabassi
CAIDP 2024 Keynote Speaker Elham Tabassi

CAIDP Events

CAIDP Meets with Delegation from LIBE Committee of the European Parliament, Washington, DC, May 26, 2022

CAIDP Hosts Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Democratic Values, 10 November 2021

CAIDP Conversation with Former White House Advisor John Podesta, 4 November 2021

CAIDP meets with Members of the European Parliament AIDA Committee, Washington, DC, 4 November 2021

Universal Guidelines for AI


Marc Rotenberg, An AI Oversight (response to Ian Bremmer and Mustafa Suleyman’s "The AI Power Paradox"), Foreign Affairs (Nov-Dec. 2023)

Merve Hickok, Lorraine Kisselburgh, and Marc Rotenberg Perils of A.I., and Limits on Its DevelopmentThe New York Times (July 24, 2023)

Marc Rotenberg and Merve Hickok, Regulating A.I.: The U.S. Needs to Act, The New York Times (March 6, 2023)

Marc Rotenberg, Foreword: Artificial Intelligence and Democratic Values: The Role of Data Protection, European Data Protection Law Review (Winter 2021)





Artificial Intelligence and Galileo's Telescope

review of the Age of AI by Henry Kissinger, Eric Schmidt, and Douglas Huttenlocher

Issues in Science and Technology

Marc Rotenberg


Next Steps on the AI Bill Of Rights, by Lorraine Kisselburgh and Marc Rotenberg, Washington Spectator (Nov. 2021)


Time to Assess National AI PoliciesMarc Rotenberg, Blog@CACM, Nov. 24, 2020

Reference Books

 The AI Policy Sourcebook is the first compendium of AI policy, providing essential information for policy makers, researchers, journalists, and the public. Edited by Marc Rotenberg, the AI Policy Sourcebook includes global AI frameworks, such as the OECD AI Principles and the Universal Guidelines for AI. The Sourcebook also includes materials from the European Union and the Council of Europe, national AI initiatives, as well as recommendations from professional societies, including the ACM and the IEEE. 


AI Ethicist Bookstore

CAIDP recommends the AIethicist Bookstore, powered by bookshop.org. Topics include: AI Ethics, Bias & Social Justice; Conext for AI and Data - Bias/Power/Injustice; and Dystopian Futures.


The books recommended here  cover topics of AI ethics, big data & social impact, biased algorithms, privacy, lack of regulation or ethics around automated decision making.

There are also books that provide background on what cause these areas (and hence the data) to be historically unequal and what are the root causes of social and structural injustices in these areas - like policing, mass incarceration, welfare, housing, financial markets, communication, just to name a few.


Marc Rotenberg – Commentary on AI Policy

“The United States must work with other democratic countries to establish red lines for certain A.I. applications and ensure fairness, accountability and transparency as A.I. systems are deployed . . . The rate of technological change is accelerating. Countries that seek to preserve fundamental rights must act before it is too late.”


- The Battle Over Artificial Intelligence (New York Times 2019)

"Algorithmic accountability is a complex topic, but the impact cuts broadly across life in America, from jobs and credit to housing and criminal justice."


- Bias by Computer (New York Times 2016)

“This critical question of automated decision-making lies at the heart of modern data protection law, ensuring fairness and transparency about the decisions impacting individuals.”


- Computers Privacy and Data Protection (Brussels 2017)


"Democratic countries should establish algorithmic transparency to ensure fairness and accountability in the digital world."


- OECD Global Forum (Tokyo 2014)

“I do want to emphasize how very important it is to move forward today on a project to establish algorithmic transparency and a set of framework principles for the deployment of AI that protects the interests of the individual.”


- AI World Society (Cambridge 2018) 

 “As decisions are automated, processes become more opaque, less accountable. . . . At the intersection of law and technology — knowledge of the algorithm is a fundamental right, a human right”


UNESCO Knowledge Café (Paris 2015) 


"The United States needs comprehensive privacy legislation to safeguard the personal data of Americans. We must also establish an agency charged with advocating for the privacy interests of America. Surveillance technology takes hold quickly. There is not much time."


- Surveillance in China: Implications for Americans (New York Times 2019)