OSTP - Delay in the Release of the AI Bill of Rights


On June 20, 2022, CAIDP sent a Freedom of Information Act request to the Office of Science and Technology Policy seeking to obtain information about why the OSTP had delayed release of the AI Bill of Rights. The OSTP Director and Deputy Director had expressed strong support for an Bill of Rights in November 2021. CAIDP also backed the Bill of Rights and urged the OSTP to move the proposal forward as quickly as possible. But in the summer of 2022, the initiative appeared stalled. So, CAIDP sent an urgent FOIA request to the OSTP to determine the reason for the delay. And CAIDP vigorously pursued the record request in multiple communications with the agency in July, August and September, and also in communications with the Office of Government Information Services (the FOIA Ombudsman).


The Blueprint for the AI Bill of Rights was released at a White House press conference on October 4, 2022.


Records Requested

  1. All records, possessed by the agency, concerning the AI Bill of Rights
  2. All records, possessed by the agency, concerning Eric Schmidt’s involvement in the development of the AI Bill of Rights and related AI policy initiatives, including but not limited to, communications involving representatives of Schmidt Futures / Schmidt Ventures, which includes those on the OSTP staff who received funding from Schmidt Futures / Schmidt Ventures
  3. All records, possessed by the agency, concerning the agency’s use of AI to process FOIA requests

Key Documents

Records Obtained

Key Legal Provisions